About agriculture in the Czech language: Tutor's guide

6 September 2024

Czech agriculture has a rich history has contributed to the nation's cherished self-sufficiency in essential products and has established this Central European region as a global leader. Milk, animals, cereals, and sugar have been established in European agricultural markets for an extended period.

In the Czech Republic, agricultural entrepreneurs currently cultivate more than 426,600 hectares of agricultural territory. Forested territory comprises more than one-third of the country's land budget.

The land classified as permanent grassland in the real estate cadastre has increased by 71 thousand hectares even though the area of arable land has decreased in recent decades. Legal organizations and natural individuals currently hold the overwhelming majority of agricultural land.

In order to work in the agricultural sector in the Czech Republic, you need to know the Czech language. There are many options for learning Czech, but the most convenient is to study with a Czech tutor. The website provides a variety of tutors to choose from, depending on the student's needs.

Agriculture vocabulary in Czech

  1. Farming - Zemědělství.
  2. Cultivation - Pěstování.
  3. Agronomy - Agronomie.
  4. Harvest - Sklizeň.
  5. Crop - Oříznutí.
  6. Livestock - Hospodářská zvířata.
  7. Irrigation - Zavlažování.
  8. Soil - Půda.
  9. Fertilizer - Hnojivo.
  10. Pesticide - Pesticid.
  11. Organic - Organické.
  12. Plow - Pluh.
  13. Crop rotation - Střídání plodin.
  14. Sustainable agriculture - Udržitelné zemědělství.
  15. Agribusiness - Agrobyznys.


Agriculture is no longer only about producing food; it also serves an essential social and environmental purpose. Farmers are encouraged to do this activity, which is crucial to the public and the environment, via various national or European funding tools.